Case Study

How Eko Increased Conversions by 62% for Walmart Baby Brands

How Eko Increased Conversions by 62% for Walmart Baby Brands

Eko's interactive product videos revolutionized the online shopping journey for Walmart Baby Brands, leading to a remarkable 62% increase in conversions. By integrating engaging, interactive experiences across more than 1,000 product detail pages (PDPs), Eko enhanced customer engagement, boosted sales, and significantly lowered return rates, showcasing the power of interactive content in driving ecommerce success.

Add to cart




Increase in conversion






Boost in add-to-cart






Decrease in cancel

and returns


Selling baby products online presents unique challenges, with high-consideration purchases that require trust and reassurance from new parents. In physical stores, customers can see, touch, and test products, which helps them make confident purchasing decisions. Replicating this experience online is a major hurdle for retailers.

Walmart recognized this challenge and partnered with Eko to enhance the online shopping experience for baby products. The goal was to provide new parents with the confidence to make informed purchases without physical interaction. Eko successfully bridged the gap between physical and digital shopping, boosting conversion rates, add-to-cart rates, and reducing returns.


While product images and descriptions offer important information, they often leave customers wanting more. Many turn to other sources like YouTube or in-store visits to get a better idea of a product’s intricacies. But by showcasing product features and benefits through interactive videos, customers can explore key features “hands-on,” boosting purchase confidence and reducing lengthy consideration times. The only platform that controls and optimizes Walmart’s hero images, Eko's interactive solution allows customers to explore products comprehensively without leaving the PDP.

Interactive Product Exploration

Eko's interactive capabilities allow baby brands to effectively showcase their products' unique features for a broad range of parenting needs. Customers can virtually test products like strollers and car seats, exploring details such as adjustability, compatibility, ease of use, safety, and comfort. This technology helps customers make informed decisions, ensuring the products they choose meet their specific requirements and preferences.

Check out Evenflo's stroller below—customers can thoroughly explore transportation modes, different styles, folding mechanisms, and storage capacity.

Tailored Shopping Journeys

Eko’s customizable experience leads customers through a fully personalized shopping experience. Shoppers can interact with the features they care about most, with just a click or tap, to make buying decisions based on their unique needs.

Insights and Optimization

Eko’s powerful analytics suite enables brands to continually enhance their visual assets and user experience. Data-driven insights drive product improvements and allow us to optimize visuals, ensuring alignment with customer interests. Each customer interaction provides valuable information, refining your understanding of user preferences and behaviors—allowing brands to tailor their offerings precisely to meet customer needs, ultimately enhancing satisfaction and engagement.


Eko's interactive solution brought a groundbreaking transformation to Walmart Baby Brands' ecommerce performance. Analyzing hundreds of product pages revealed just how powerful Eko’s interactive videos were in reshaping the customer journey:

Conversion Rate Surge: An astounding 62% increase in conversions, turning casual browsers into buyers.

Add-to-Cart Rate Boost: A 48% rise in add-to-cart rates, showcasing heightened customer interest and intent.

Reduced Cancellations and Returns: A significant 19% decrease in cancellations and returns, reflecting improved customer satisfaction and decision confidence.

Enhanced Engagement: A 6% increase in engagement rates, indicating more meaningful customer interactions.

Massive Viewer Reach: Over 11.5m viewers engaged with the interactive content, amplifying brand visibility and reach.

These exceptional results highlight Eko’s ability to drive substantial improvements in key ecommerce metrics, proving the value of interactive content in enhancing both customer experience and business outcomes.

Case study